Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Welcome to the Real World

The first day at an internship is nerve-racking for anyone and experiencing my first hour-long morning commute to Cleveland only added to that stress. But once I walked into Liggett's doors and was greeted at the fronk desk, some of that stress was dismissed immediately. All four interns gathered in the lobby waiting anxiously in awkward silence. In walked the internship coordinators' smiling faces and the tension dropped. Passing all of the friendly faces in the building turned my nervousness into excitement. I was ready to get started.

After going through the standard paperwork and training sessions, we were shown to our cubicles--"real people" work spaces with our names on the exterior! That was enough to make any soon-to-be professional giddy.

I was ready to dive right in. And I did.
"Have you ever named anything before?" I was asked.
And I hadn't. So I went straight to work on my first task, brainstorming names for a new product.

This is the real deal. It's nothing like the intern horror stories I've heard in the past. I have yet to go on a coffee run or do any filing (though I am totally capable and willing). I am excited to come in every day and see what I can help with next.

Looking through my quickly filling calendar of events, my fellow interns and I have some great opportunities ahead of us. We have a field trip planned almost every week for the next month or so. I can already tell this summer is going to fly by and I want to make the best of it.

Ben L.
Creative Intern

1 comment:

Leslie Resnik said...

We're so glad to have you here, and I'm glad it shows. Hope your feelings last all summer. Can't wait to see what fun you'll plan for us old timers later this season.