Thursday, July 07, 2011

A List Always Looks Longer

As we are nearing the halfway mark of this internship, I feel like it is a good time to reflect on some of my accomplishments. Over the duration of the past month I have:

• Created a line illustration of Santa sporting his favorite Hawaiian hat and aviators.

• Painted around 80 tiny door knobs to eventually be placed on, you guessed it, 80 tiny doors.

• Illustrated myself as a zombified unicorn man.

• Put together 15 plastic megaphones.

• Done a lot of word-mapping, which we could map to brainstorming, which might eventually lead to mapping the word bonkers.

• Put around 50 paint cans into bigger paint cans, and then put that can into a box. Try and keep up.

• Designed and laid out some ad roughs that would eventually be printed... Over and over until the printer decided to comply.

• Photoshopped our intern shirt design onto 15 different colored shirts. You can only be sure you don't like something if you try it.

That is just a little insight into my daily accomplishments, but the list could go on and on. Maybe when the end draws near I will compile some more.
Catch you guys next week.

Creative Intern
Don D.

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