Friday, July 11, 2008

Liggett Stashower Country Club

Today the interns put on our first “Fun Friday” and it went extremely well. We turned the agency into a miniature golf course using all sorts of inventive props. I acted as chef for the day, grilling hot dogs. It was exciting to see the whole agency get into our event. People brought their own putters, gloves, hats, and other golf attire. Some of the male employees even tucked their pants into their argyle socks. At the end of the day we gave out prizes! The prizes were as follows:
Elizabeth won best dressed with her pink shirt matching her pink golf ball.
Vicki won pompoms for being the most enthusiastic; she really got into the tournament.
Adam had the worst score and got the Golf for Dummies book.
Jimmy had the best score and got the movie Caddy Shack.
Hopefully the interns of 2009 will host the 2nd Annual Miniature Golf Invitational.

Yesterday I shadowed Sean in Traffic and Estimating. He explained to me their position as the mediator between the Creative side and the Program Management side. They make sure deadlines are met and estimated budgets are maintained. It was quite an informative session and he really did a great job defining the role of Traffic and Estimating.
I also got to dabble in a bit of creative work for about two minutes. I was unaware of this but there is an office that was turned into a make shift photo shooting area. Danielle needed a hand, literally, to hold this light fixture while she photographed it. That was an interesting break from the numbers. Next week I am shadowing Matt in the IT Department. I like how the employees at Liggett want the interns to see every facet of the business. Steve is setting up a day for me to shadow at the law firm and the auditing firm that work with Liggett.

Our internship project is starting to roll in a good direction. We all agree on a theme that is unique and delectable.

Angela B

Finance Intern

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.